@SKS_Chemistry #Suntola luennossaan kertoi #ALDtekniikka:n (siis ALE:n) alkuajoista. Saman tarinan (ja enemmän!) voi myös lukea kymmenen vuotta sitten Suntolan kanssa tiiviissä yhteistyössä kirjoittamastani esseestä, täällä: https://t.co/2jCwjt5fW5
#Suntola at #ALDALE2024. Live the #ALDep history story, which you can also read in detail in the link ⬇️ https://t.co/YHTtWW4Kks https://t.co/0Tl5bQEK35
@SKS_Chemistry Hieno teksti, Prof. Leskelältä #ALDtekniikka, @HelsinkiALD! Linkkaan tähän toisenkin historian, keksijä #Suntola’n kanssa tiiviissä yhteistyössä tehty, jonka kirjoitin kun suomalainen ALD täytti 40 vuotta 10v sitten. https://t.co/2jCwjt5fW
Time flies. Picture from slideset that I accidentally run into (invited talk): https://t.co/qsgqFfpOZV. The photographer (and me, too) will be at #ALDALE2024 to meet. The #Suntola #ALDep history story that was being written here, was published in http
Niinistö mentioned several times in the #Suntola #ALDep story essay https://t.co/2jCwjt5fW5 #VPHA #ALDhistory
Some of the things in the podcast were also touched upon here, the #Suntola #ALDep story: https://t.co/2jCwjt5fW5
Osa #FinALD40-näyttelyä oli kirjoittamani ”Suntolan tarina”, joka julkaistiin erikseen tieteellisessä lehdessä. (Millennium-palkinto tuli vähän myöhemmin.) https://t.co/2jCwjt5fW5
VPHA started about ten years ago, launched at #ALDALE2013. We have accomplished a lot, and it is a good time to wrap up. Main #ALDhistory publications: CVD 2014 ALE essay https://t.co/uEdTPxcwZj CVD 2015 ML essay https://t.co/ZK9lsHzWHJ JVSTA 2017 review
@unreal_mjh @SKS_Chemistry @HelsinkiALD @KumpulaScience Täältä historia-artsusta voi lukea tuostakin lisää: https://t.co/uEdTPxcwZj
@ThesaintM10 The scientific #ALDep community nowadays credits two of them. Fact-checked stuff here: ALE story: https://t.co/uEdTPxcwZj ML story: https://t.co/ZK9lsHzWHJ #ALDepChat #VPHA #ALDhistory
Aa-ha-haa...! #ChatGPT on "Who invented atomic layer deposition" in screen capture. People in #ALDep field: we have some work to do! (AI does not get it right, and neither do many in the field. Find fact-checked info here: https://t.co/uEdTPxd4OR) #
RT @Dadada1211ki: ALD発展の経緯、メモ ・ELディスプレイ向けにALDのコンセプトを発展させたのがSuntola博士 ・日本で同様のコンセプトを発展させたのが東北大・西澤教授とNECのグループ ・チャンバーステージを回転させてALDを実現するコンセプトを実証…
RT @Dadada1211ki: ALD発展の経緯、メモ ・ELディスプレイ向けにALDのコンセプトを発展させたのがSuntola博士 ・日本で同様のコンセプトを発展させたのが東北大・西澤教授とNECのグループ ・チャンバーステージを回転させてALDを実現するコンセプトを実証…
Nice article, expanding on the ASM perspective to the global #ALDep story. Bits & Chips, "Outgoing CTO Ivo Raaijmakers explains what atomic layer deposition has brought the semiconductor industry" https://t.co/vGFpYV548o #Suntola #ALDhistory #VP
Suntola's thesis is from 1971, entitled "Electrical Conduction and Switching in Chalcogenide Thin Films". More details in the #ALDhistory essay: https://t.co/2jCwjsNExv #ALDepChat
Deep tech start-up will take time, money and persistency. The prize of going through that can be huge, here is an great evidence of Finnish deep tech. https://t.co/DEZCGgIP52 https://t.co/HN96tBkUJo
@AnnastiinaEM Hetken minuakin jotkut luulivat historioitsijaksi, kun paneuduin oman alani (#atomikerroskasvatus) historiaan. Mielestäni sovin tähän ketjuun. Millennium-palkinto alalle/keksijälle tuli myöhemmin - historiatyöllä/dokumentoinnilla oli merk
@ErwinKessels @hacp81 @AtomicLimits Another missing one - I think - is the "Suntola essay". https://t.co/uEdTPxcwZj Yeah, it is published as an essay. But I'd certainly say it can be classified as a review article, as well. (Probably the complementary
@Tekniikanmuseo Hei Tekniikan museo: onko teillä ALD-reaktoria, näytteillä tai varastossa? Huhu kiertää (taas), että olisi. #Suntola’n millennium-palkinnon peruna kiinnostuneita katsojia voisi olla! #ALDtekniikka’sta lisää esim. täällä: https://t.co/uEdT
@MikkoRitala @jv3sund @BMCtheALCHEMIST @matti_putkonen This is what was written to the Suntola ALD story of the 1st reactor at HUT. https://t.co/uEdTPxcwZj Indeed, I tried to go after the Tekniikan museo story — and found nothing (if there was a clear sto
Making some #ALDhistory here! The F-120 (and @HelsinkiALD) is also included in #Suntola’s #ALDep story, of course, too. https://t.co/uEdTPxcwZj
This picture actually deserves its own tweet. A portrait is not just characterized by who's in it, but also, by who took it. Like a story is not just affected about "who" is it about, but also "by whom" it is written. #Suntola #ALDhistory #ALDepChat
Thanks for the shout-out, @kirti_sankhala! #ALDep #ALDepChat #ALDhistory #Suntola #VPHA https://t.co/uEdTPxcwZj
@kirti_sankhala Here I am 😊. Link to the article in the photo — it has open access: https://t.co/2jCwjt5fW5
@ElinaLappalaine @niclasstoras Hienoa että HS kirjoitti. Täällä vähän pitempi versio tarinasta — tieteellisessä lehdessä julkaistu essee, runsain detaljein. (Mukavasti kertynyt viittauksiakin jo.) https://t.co/2jCwjt5fW5
@MikkoRitala Tämä on se ydintarina, ja Hesarin lukijoista varmaan monelle uutta, mutta ”ALD-ytimessä” moneen kertaan kuultu (ja esseeksikin kirjoitettu, https://t.co/uEdTPxcwZj). Olisi kiva saada ylös ja tunnetuksi muitakin tarinoita ALD-kehityksen ympär
Nice connection from just-published PCCP 2020 https://t.co/J8F0BBMkkv to the history of #ALDep & the essay I wrote, CVD 2014 https://t.co/uEdTPwUVAJ. Abruptness of the #saturationprofile is related to kinetics. ZnCl2/H2S has steeper slope than Zn/S -&g
@sean_t_barry @Mick__geek @Constababble ... I made this, again photography 😀. https://t.co/NUNCHLbOZG. Was meant as journal cover for https://t.co/uEdTPxcwZj, but they refused to use it, as I had already allowed the Finnish Kemia-lehti to use it in their a
Linkkaanpa vielä tämänkin - kirjoittamani CVD-tiedelehden essee #ALDteknologia’n historiasta keksijä #Suntola’n vinkkelistä, juttu vuodelta 2014. https://t.co/uEdTPxcwZj
RT @rlpuu: Now registered for #ALDALE2020. Grateful for @AvsAld and conf. chairs for converting the conference to online. Looking forward t…
RT @rlpuu: Now registered for #ALDALE2020. Grateful for @AvsAld and conf. chairs for converting the conference to online. Looking forward t…
Now registered for #ALDALE2020. Grateful for @AvsAld and conf. chairs for converting the conference to online. Looking forward to the plenary session - but the talk will not be on ”the first” applications of #ALDep in displays (ALE-EL)??? On #ALDhistory: h
Some further details on the flat panel electroluminescent flight display panels at Helsinki-Vantaa airport, learnt from #Suntola at dinner 29.11.2919 (with van Ommen, Suntola, Krause). These details could have well made it in the ”ALE essay”.. https://t.co
Had a look at Wikipedia #ALDep, https://t.co/Ki56RneD3U. #WikiALD. I see there is a new Ref. 1, https://t.co/b04lcFjhCz. Had a look, and find this - the ref [1] is my work, https://t.co/uEdTPxcwZj. But it did not say quite those things of Aleskovskii and M
@kous881003 FYI: the "ALE" story tells also of the early days of #ALDep in Japan and how Prof. Nishizawa, known as the "father of Japanese semiconductor industries", got interested in it! Did you know this? #ALDhistory #VPHA https://t.co/uEdTPxcwZj
RT @aldhistoryblog: New blog post: "New Zenodo community: Virtual Project on the History of ALD (VPHA)" #ALDep #VPHA #ALDhistory https://t…
New blog post: "New Zenodo community: Virtual Project on the History of ALD (VPHA)" #ALDep #VPHA #ALDhistory https://t.co/nRfi0hi3uZ https://t.co/lmuI5cF0s0 #FinALD40 #openscience https://t.co/0R7qXEIIZt
RT @rlpuu: #Zenodo: first trial done! Screen capture right after publishing (with original DOI, https://t.co/uEdTPxcwZj). #ALDep #VPHA http…
#Zenodo: first trial done! Screen capture right after publishing (with original DOI, https://t.co/uEdTPxcwZj). #ALDep #VPHA https://t.co/JJNXvIGwow https://t.co/a64qfByl7Q
As #ALDhistory articles since the 2013 JVSTA review https://t.co/crykOHAmSO, it is good to notice the essay on the #ALDhistory from Tuomo #Suntola's viewpoint, 2014 Chem Vapor Deposition by Puurunen: https://t.co/uEdTPxcwZj ... (1 of 4) https://t.co/b2Comw
”Change is the only constant”. I drove past (to @emmamuseum), to notice that the building where the Finnish #ALDep story began (Ahertajantie 3, https://t.co/uEdTPxcwZj), is being demolished. Here #Suntola stared at the periodic table on the wall of an empt
#FinALD40-näyttelyä varten kirjoitin ”Suntolan ALE-tarinan”, joka julkaistiin muutamaa kuukautta Chemical Vapor Deposition -lehdessä. Se on avoimesti saatavilla (englanniksi): https://t.co/uEdTPxcwZj #ALDtekniikka #Suntola #ALDteknologia #ALDCoE #FinALD40
More details of the invention & what followed in an essay (open access) in Chem Vap Deposition journal 2014 https://t.co/uEdTPxcwZj
More details of the invention & what followed in an essay (open access) in Chem Vap Deposition journal https://t.co/uEdTPxcwZj. Image: reconstruction of the first experiment, Wikimedia Commons (credit: Riikka Puurunen & Tuomo Suntola, CC BY-SA 4.0)
@FabioGrillo89 @hacp81 @sean_t_barry Hmm... I much more associate myself as an ”ALD activist”. But I realize there have been some heretics there, always. Some have used a lot of energy to show that ”ALD does not work”. See, e.g., https://t.co/uEdTPxcwZj.
Where ”it all started” in the ALE-#ALDep story: Ahertajantie 3, Espoo. The address of Instrumentarium in 1974, where #Suntola came up with the concept of ALE/ALD. Now this houses a driving school and a Yoga studio. Next door: @emmamuseum. (Photo @rlpuu). h
Screen capture of the abstract of https://t.co/uEdTPxcwZj. #ALDep #ALDhistory #VPHA #FinALD40 https://t.co/3UHB0zJy3g
Tiny correction though: the conference where the TF-EL displays were presented, was in 1980 (not late 1970s). Find more details & references on this in Section 5 of my essay on #Suntola in Chem Vap Deposition journal: https://t.co/uEdTPxcwZj. #ALDhisto
When reading the article https://t.co/wjlf4ewoBM, the beginning made blush, though... It was not me but #Suntola, of course. Many more details in the "ALE essay": https://t.co/uEdTPxcwZj. #ALDepChat @GioMarin87 https://t.co/cNPbwfJXaM
RT @rlpuu: Lisää ALD-detailjeja löytyy esim täältä: tieteellinen essee, jonka kirjoitin alunperin #FinALD40-näyttelyyn, ja joka kohta julka…
Lisää ALD-detailjeja löytyy esim täältä: tieteellinen essee, jonka kirjoitin alunperin #FinALD40-näyttelyyn, ja joka kohta julkaistiin Chem Vap Deposition -lehdessä: https://t.co/uEdTPxcwZj. Open Access -maksu maksettu, jotta kaikki, myös toimittajat, saav
@KingMaterials @HelsinkiALD Also the two essays on the history of #ALDep from #VPHA collaboration may be of interest, they are published in 2014 and 2015 in Chem Vap Deposition by @WileyGlobal: of Suntola, https://t.co/uEdTPxcwZj, and of Aleskovskii &
@beneqcorp A lovely story and interview @beneqcorp! So valuable that these bits and pieces of info get written down. Many of them did not make it to the Suntola’s ALE story that I wrote (https://t.co/uEdTPxcwZj) - and some details were new to me, too! #ALD
Second in pile: "A Short History of Atomic Layer Deposition: Tuomo Suntola's Atomic Layer Epitaxy". Essay written by me in 2013-2014, in close collaboration with #TuomoSuntola. Published in Chem. Vap. Deposition 2014. Open access. https://t.co/uEdTPxcwZj #
@janihama @AaltoUniversity @helsinkiuni @HelsinkiALD The F-120 reactor has indeed been game-changing as the first commercial #ALDep reactor. Already briefly described in https://t.co/jMZGs5Wz95
Atomic Layer Depositio (used to be called ALE, Atomic Layer Epitaxy) #Suntola #TuomoSuntola #ALDep #VPHA #ALDtekniikka #ALDteknologia https://t.co/7XQqfwoT2I
#ALDepquote "The unprejudiced creation of new technologies and products with ALE, initiated by Dr. Tuomo Suntola..." https://t.co/mnNokCibak https://t.co/gLbl23B5Z0
I'll take the top-right flight to New York and from there to Nashville #avs63, with many #ALDep and #ALEtch talks & even dedicated sessions. https://t.co/4vrhgDID6Q
Greetings from HEL :) Flight info is still in yellow - until 1998 it was an #ALDep EL display demo by #Suntola &cow https://t.co/jMZGs5Wz95 https://t.co/iHAzMamC5j
@MSaarikko Tässä linkki #ALDep historiaesseeseen, jonka kirjoitin taannoin Tuomo #Suntolan kanssa - ehkä kiinnostaa? https://t.co/mnNokCibak
@Tekniikanmuseo @helsinkiuni Kiitoksia. Legenda vinkkasi "Jaskan" Tekniikan museon kellariiin. Lisää historiasta #OA https://t.co/mnNokC0zLK
Suntola ALE essay added as Publication https://t.co/YFhxUdMOUF. https://t.co/mnNokCibak Can we see full HERALD publ. list? @Simon_D_Elliott
@ayanguasgil @jv3sund @altmetric Here is a link to the "ALE essay" that I mean: https://t.co/mnNokCibak
The #ALDep history essay in CVD journal, "Suntola's ALE story", enhanced html article: http://t.co/IdrNn7mvoS #ALDep #VPHA #FinALD40
The #ALDep history essay in CVD journal, "Suntola's ALE story", enhanced html article: http://t.co/IdrNn7mvoS #ALDep #VPHA #FinALD40
@CBC_psi @Chemjobber This: http://t.co/Ft3ryIG4j8 by @rlpuu, is a introduction to the development off atomic layer deposition...
The Suntola ALE-#ALDep story has page numbers: Chemical Vapor Deposition 20 (2014) 332–344. http://t.co/mnNokCzMio #FinALD40 #ALDCoE #VPHA
The Suntola ALE-#ALDep story has page numbers: Chemical Vapor Deposition 20 (2014) 332–344. http://t.co/mnNokCzMio #FinALD40 #ALDCoE #VPHA
The Suntola ALE-#ALDep story has page numbers: Chemical Vapor Deposition 20 (2014) 332–344. http://t.co/mnNokCzMio #FinALD40 #ALDCoE #VPHA
@AaltoUniversity @hsfi Here is one recently told Finnish success story: Tuomo Suntola's invention #ALDep http://t.co/mnNokCzMio #FinALD40
@AaltoUniversity @hsfi Here is one recently told Finnish success story: Tuomo Suntola's invention #ALDep http://t.co/mnNokCzMio #FinALD40
#OTD in 1975: Patent filed for Suntola & Antson's atomic layer deposition sys. (http://t.co/NefcMR90px) Some history: http://t.co/eUJTJDcoUn
#OTD in 1975: Patent filed for Suntola & Antson's atomic layer deposition sys. (http://t.co/NefcMR90px) Some history: http://t.co/eUJTJDcoUn
#OTD in 1975: Patent filed for Suntola & Antson's atomic layer deposition sys. (http://t.co/NefcMR90px) Some history: http://t.co/eUJTJDcoUn
A Short History of Atomic Layer Deposition: Tuomo Suntola’s Atomic Layer Epitaxy http://t.co/go46Ma5mwI Essay open access in Chem Vap Dep
A Short History of Atomic Layer Deposition: Tuomo Suntola’s Atomic Layer Epitaxy http://t.co/go46Ma5mwI Essay open access in Chem Vap Dep
ALE-#ALDep 40 year story, Finland: connection to VTT & HUT semiconductor lab, Prof. Thor Stubb: http://t.co/mnNokCibak @alexstubb #FinALD40
Companies in ALE-#ALDep story, Part 3 of 3; Picosun, Planar, Sharp, Vaisala, VTT http://t.co/mnNokCibak @VTTFinland #VPHA #FinALD40 #ALDCoE
Companies in ALE-#ALDep story, Part 2: Instrumentarium, IVO, Lohja, Microchemistry, NAPS, NEC, Neste, Nokia, Picopack http://t.co/mnNokCibak
Companies in ALE-#ALDep story, Part 1: ASM, ASM Microchemistry, Aspo, Beneq, Datex, Elcoteq, Endeas, Fortum ... http://t.co/mnNokCibak #VPHA
OPEN ACCESS: A Short History of #ALDep: Tuomo Suntola's Atomic Layer Epitaxy http://t.co/mnNokCibak #VPHA #FinALD40 #ALDCoE
OPEN ACCESS: A Short History of #ALDep: Tuomo Suntola's Atomic Layer Epitaxy http://t.co/mnNokCibak #VPHA #FinALD40 #ALDCoE
OPEN ACCESS: A Short History of #ALDep: Tuomo Suntola's Atomic Layer Epitaxy http://t.co/mnNokCibak #VPHA #FinALD40 #ALDCoE
OPEN ACCESS: A Short History of #ALDep: Tuomo Suntola's Atomic Layer Epitaxy http://t.co/mnNokCibak #VPHA #FinALD40 #ALDCoE
A Short History of Atomic Layer Deposition:Tuomo Suntola's Atomic Layer Epitaxy Puurunen 2014 http://t.co/9SKUdATWyB
40 Years of ALD in Finland: story of Tuomo Suntola's Atomic Layer Epitaxy #FinALD40 #VPHA #ALDCoE #ALDep @VTTFinland http://t.co/mnNokCibak
40 Years of ALD in Finland: story of Tuomo Suntola's Atomic Layer Epitaxy #FinALD40 #VPHA #ALDCoE #ALDep @VTTFinland http://t.co/mnNokCibak
On the history of #ALDep @rlpuu has written down Tuomo Suntola's own story http://t.co/OoGTGCaoOH #VPHA
On the history of #ALDep @rlpuu has written down Tuomo Suntola's own story http://t.co/OoGTGCaoOH #VPHA