Künstliche Photosynthese - Von der Natur lernen
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Ein neuartiges Kohlenstoffnitrid-Polymer speichert licht-induzierte Elektronen und gibt sie nach Bedarf frei.
Ein neuartiges Kohlenstoffnitrid-Polymer speichert licht-induzierte Elektronen und gibt sie nach Bedarf frei.
17:16 Ein neuartiges Kohlenstoffnitrid-Polymer speichert licht-induzierte Elektronen und gibt sie nach Bedarf frei.
The storage of photogenerated electric energy and its release on demand are still among the main obstacles in artificial…
The storage of photogenerated electric energy and its release on demand are still among the main obstacles in artificial…
The storage of photogenerated electric energy and its release on demand are still among the main obstacles in artificial…
/ no comments The storage of photogenerated electric energy and its release on demand are still among the main obstacles in…
Home Chemistry Materials Science December 9, 2016 December 9, 2016 The storage of photogenerated electric energy and its…
A team at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Germany, and collaborators at ETH Zurich and the University of…
Time-Delayed Release of Electrons The storage of photogenerated electric energy and its release on demand are still among the…
The storage of photogenerated electric energy and its release on demand are still among the main obstacles in artificial…