@Jbb_sensus @CerfiaFR le seul lien que j'ai trouvé donnant "directement" vers l'étude est https://t.co/sIlfqz1Ndy mais n'envoi pas directement sur le site d'un groupe de chercheurs / entreprise de recherches médicales
A modo de curiosidad, os cuento que se han logrado increíbles avances.. Por ejemplo, ya existen incluso corazones artificiales 🫀 que tendrían potencial para responder a estímulos eléctricos ⚡️ Por si tenéis curiosidad os dejo más información 😉 https://t.c
RT @thidakarn: นักวิจัยจากอิสราเอลผลิตหัวใจเทียมจาก 3D printing สำเร็จเป็นครั้งแรก โดยใช้เซลล์จาก Omental tissue (ไขมันในช่องท้อง) ของคนไข้…
For Chaz https://t.co/V4IMMaMlGe And THis OE ToO. https://t.co/d8KYdoGCSV
3D Printing of Personalized Thick and Perfusable Cardiac Patches and Hearts https://t.co/dyYPYFY4TP
In 2019, thanks to a team of scientists from Israel, a 3D heart was printed with a network of blood vessels and capable of contraction! 👏🏻 You can read more about it here: https://t.co/ZW83XeDvV3 https://t.co/uVwlVltoSB
For a long time, heart transplant donors were the main option for late stage heart-failure patients. Several scientists are now taking advantage of 3D-printing to improve such situations and remake perfusable cardiac patches and human hearts! 🫀#BIOM4180 h
no difficulty at all. https://t.co/V4IMMaMlGe <https://t.co/1GVSOV36cC”>
RT @GrpRaimiAbraham: The application of advanced 3D printing techniques using personalised hydrogel as a bioink. #bioprinting #3Dprinting…
The application of advanced 3D printing techniques using personalised hydrogel as a bioink. #bioprinting #3Dprinting • • • • • • Available at: https://t.co/nZzE7E4gdR https://t.co/8un8QcddQZ
@karlosggp11 all but honestly with time it should prove no difficulty at all. https://t.co/V4IMMaMlGe
no difficulty at all. https://t.co/V4IMMaMlGe
3Dプリンターによる人工呼吸器の実用化 実証実験COVIDVENTILATOR(コーヴィッドベンチレーター)」が開始 ・ABS樹脂 ・熱溶解積層型3Dプリンター ・インターネット環境 で製造可能ですが『実際に医療機器として承認されるまでには[...]ハードルがある』 https://t.co/CZFfRHLaBl
(2/2) Read more about this medical breakthrough by clicking the link below! #biom4180 https://t.co/T9tbnIWvPa
@amyworldalive "These results demonstrate the potential of the approach for engineering personalized tissues and organs, or for drug screening in an appropriate anatomical structure and patient‐specific biochemical microenvironment" https://t.co/rTlqXFPVP3
@Peter_Ludkovski Да. Это первый раз когда было отпечатано рабочее сердце, с сосудами, камерами и.т.д. исследователи взяли жировую ткань, превратили ее в стволовые клетки, и пошло поехало. Подробнее тут https://t.co/qTyRzSlAFZ
RT @alxbenevides: A #Heart #tech highlight 🔥 https://t.co/DhDPs3DIXM 🔥 #WorldHeartDay #CardioTwitter #WorldHeartDay2019 @hvanspall @Tharush…
RT @SafiBahcall: 3D-printing a new heart - complete with functioning blood vessels. Pretty amazing. #DailyLoonshot https://t.co/zcMS2vadv…
@twiddderdude @Conrads_Sicht Grundsätzlich zu funktionieren scheint es definitiv, wenn es auch noch einige Hürden gibt. Es wäre im Hinblick auf das vermeidbare Tierleid auf jeden Fall die begrüßenswertere Alternative und daher in der Forschung zu präferier
Inquire a sample of NutriStem today! Visit our shop and contact us: https://t.co/oCGsDQ36sd For convenient ordering in Switzerland: https://t.co/TWPORrW3Zj #stemcells
RT @academiamir: Imprimen el primer corazón que palpita. La investigación en este sentido aún está inmadura, pero poco a poco nos acercamos…
Imprimen el primer corazón que palpita. La investigación en este sentido aún está inmadura, pero poco a poco nos acercamos a la producción de órganos funcionales. #Trasplante #Impresión3D #IngenieríaDeTejidos https://t.co/QnhFmzcPlY
The world's first 3D-printed heart using a "bioink" made of human cells. Wow. This is rocket science. https://t.co/dafoCo949R #3d #3dprinter https://t.co/CNRrdU6KOI
RT @ExtracellMatrix: Scientists report on the development and application of advanced 3D printing techniques using the personalized #hydrog…
@PereGrimmer We are pretty close to 3D printing viable hearts https://t.co/dqO3oBvGk2
RT @SafiBahcall: 3D-printing a new heart - complete with functioning blood vessels. Pretty amazing. #DailyLoonshot https://t.co/zcMS2vadv…
RT @thidakarn: นักวิจัยจากอิสราเอลผลิตหัวใจเทียมจาก 3D printing สำเร็จเป็นครั้งแรก โดยใช้เซลล์จาก Omental tissue (ไขมันในช่องท้อง) ของคนไข้…
RT @SafiBahcall: 3D-printing a new heart - complete with functioning blood vessels. Pretty amazing. #DailyLoonshot https://t.co/zcMS2vadv…
RT @SafiBahcall: 3D-printing a new heart - complete with functioning blood vessels. Pretty amazing. #DailyLoonshot https://t.co/zcMS2vadv…
RT @SafiBahcall: 3D-printing a new heart - complete with functioning blood vessels. Pretty amazing. #DailyLoonshot https://t.co/zcMS2vadv…
RT @SafiBahcall: 3D-printing a new heart - complete with functioning blood vessels. Pretty amazing. #DailyLoonshot https://t.co/zcMS2vadv…
3D-printing a new heart - complete with functioning blood vessels. Pretty amazing. #DailyLoonshot https://t.co/zcMS2vadv7 https://t.co/K4bTblHO9i
RT @AdvSciNews: 3D printing of cardiac patches and miniature hearts Led by Prof. Tal Dvir of @TelAvivUni, a research team 3D-print perfusab…
RT @VCCPHealth: A 3D printed heart has been made using human tissue, raising hopes for heart transplants in the future #futureofhealth #hea…
RT @VCCPHealth: A 3D printed heart has been made using human tissue, raising hopes for heart transplants in the future #futureofhealth #hea…
RT @VCCPHealth: A 3D printed heart has been made using human tissue, raising hopes for heart transplants in the future #futureofhealth #hea…
Innovation at its best
RT @VCCPHealth: A 3D printed heart has been made using human tissue, raising hopes for heart transplants in the future #futureofhealth #hea…
RT @AdvSciNews: 3D printing of cardiac patches and miniature hearts Led by Prof. Tal Dvir of @TelAvivUni, a research team 3D-print perfusab…
RT @breast2bone: #3Dprinting of a #personalized heart? yes, it's possible! A whole vascularised heart engineered using a patient's own cell…
#3Dprinting of a #personalized heart? yes, it's possible! A whole vascularised heart engineered using a patient's own cells and biological materials. More here: https://t.co/MOTsFUdAim https://t.co/xyAMK69Px8
#3Dprinting of the world's first vascularised heart using a patient's own cells and biological materials. Scientists have also engineered cardiac patches to be transplanted and regenerate a previously defective heart. Paper in #openaccess https://t.co/NNZI
You think 3D printing plastic is cool? Check this out! “3D Printing of Personalized Thick and Perfusable Cardiac Patches and Hearts” - Noor - - Advanced Science - Wiley Online Library https://t.co/yxTsd06K01
(2019/04/15) 3D Printing of Personalized Thick and Perfusable Cardiac Patches and Hearts - Noor - - Advanced Science https://t.co/Hw1OEOI3A6 https://t.co/Eze0xDcfdh
3D Printing of Personalized Thick and Perfusable Cardiac Patches and Hearts - Noor - - Advanced Science - Wiley Online Library https://t.co/PVgU8SDhzC
15.04.19 #Medizin #3Dprinting Boah: erstmals menschliches #Herz gedruckt Da ist es, das erste #Herz aus dem #3D-Drucker. Und es funktioniert. Das Zellmaterial, mit dem gedruckt wurde, stammt vom Patienten selbst. https://t.co/6zLFarjf1M Studie: https:/
A 3-D printed human heart. 3D Printing of Personalized Thick and Perfusable Cardiac Patches and Hearts - Noor - - Advanced Science - Wiley Online Library https://t.co/AEzrhjIHHb
3D Printing of Personalized Thick and Perfusable Cardiac Patches and Hearts - Noor - - Advanced Science - Wiley Online Library https://t.co/2TEUf9QQz4
First 3d human heart ♥ Amazing 🤩 https://t.co/9ufQOwQs7B
RT @Tocris: Tel Aviv Uni has generated a human heart from patient-derived cells using 3D printing: https://t.co/6Uvh65ZWyd A “bioink” was c…
RT @Skelpyy: So these researchers made bioink from patient cells and 3d printed a human heart! 🤯 My company sold them reagents used to do…
RT @gholland04: First 3D Printed Heart Made with Human Cells #Science https://t.co/69GGSEdUiB https://t.co/SiyieBVZCq
RT @Skelpyy: So these researchers made bioink from patient cells and 3d printed a human heart! 🤯 My company sold them reagents used to do…
RT @gholland04: First 3D Printed Heart Made with Human Cells #Science https://t.co/69GGSEdUiB https://t.co/SiyieBVZCq
RT @Labome: Major breakthrough: 3D heart successfully fabricated complete with blood vessels, on-demand organ printouts coming closer to re…
3D Printing of Personalized Thick and Perfusable Cardiac Patches and Hearts #TalDvir https://t.co/oIOhyAQA6r #digitalhealth #3DPrinting #BioPrinting Via @PatrickBrothier CC @jgalipon https://t.co/C4nkhUJjlg
3D Printing of Personalized Thick and Perfusable Cardiac Patches and Hearts - Noor - - Advanced Science - Wiley Online Library https://t.co/4WX24APjNI @AmerMedicalAssn
#Myocarde de synthèse : les Israéliens l'ont fait ! Il paraît que le #coeur entier n'est pas loin. Pour l'instant ce sont des rustines à partir de cellules de patient.😮🧐 https://t.co/P3yiQPevZC L'article source en accès libre : https://t.co/BMD9jojtyr
RT @thidakarn: นักวิจัยจากอิสราเอลผลิตหัวใจเทียมจาก 3D printing สำเร็จเป็นครั้งแรก โดยใช้เซลล์จาก Omental tissue (ไขมันในช่องท้อง) ของคนไข้…
RT @Hiro_MD_MBA: ここまで来てるんですね。 心筋シートとかpatchを越えて、心臓様の構造を作ったと。Figure6がなかなかのインパクト https://t.co/DvyoU7OfgZ
ここまで来てるんですね。 心筋シートとかpatchを越えて、心臓様の構造を作ったと。Figure6がなかなかのインパクト
RT @keita_masui: #イスラエル のTel Aviv Universityが、自家脂肪組織を材料としたヒト心臓を3Dプリンターで出力することに成功! 血管はもちろん、心房、心室、心筋細胞など機能するために必要な現物と同じものを備えた完成形 https://t.…
Acaban de publicar un desarrollo que marcará un hito en el sector médico, la #bioimpresión en 3D de un corazón completo. 👉 Video sobre el tema: https://t.co/5OsfHCJ8dV. 💡 Artículo original: https://t.co/N8QkTWv83b. #biotecnología #medicina #biología htt
RT @keita_masui: #イスラエル のTel Aviv Universityが、自家脂肪組織を材料としたヒト心臓を3Dプリンターで出力することに成功! 血管はもちろん、心房、心室、心筋細胞など機能するために必要な現物と同じものを備えた完成形 https://t.…
#イスラエル のTel Aviv Universityが、自家脂肪組織を材料としたヒト心臓を3Dプリンターで出力することに成功! 血管はもちろん、心房、心室、心筋細胞など機能するために必要な現物と同じものを備えた完成形 https://t.co/X3JpTJCsFx https://t.co/1CFqgYJxel | @nikkeibiotech
RT @docramiro: Uso de hidrogel personalizado para la #impresión de estructuras, incluyendo órganos, que son compatibles anatómica, bioquími…
RT @AdvSciNews: 3D printing of cardiac patches and miniature hearts Led by Prof. Tal Dvir of @TelAvivUni, a research team 3D-print perfusab…
RT @AdvSciNews: 3D printing of cardiac patches and miniature hearts Led by Prof. Tal Dvir of @TelAvivUni, a research team 3D-print perfusab…
Uso de hidrogel personalizado para la #impresión de estructuras, incluyendo órganos, que son compatibles anatómica, bioquímica e inmunológicamente con el paciente. En unos años los #trasplantes serán sustituidos por impresiones de órganos a la medida. htt
RT @reutebh: Great use of #Technology can’t wait to see future medical uses of 3-D printers 3…
RT @EricTopol: When "have a heart" gets new meaning https://t.co/042UU8idxG #3D printing NOT IN MICE ;-) #openaccess https://t.co/D1NIcvw8…
RT @AdvSciNews: 3D printing of cardiac patches and miniature hearts Led by Prof. Tal Dvir of @TelAvivUni, a research team 3D-print perfusab…
Great use of #Technology can’t wait to see future medical uses of 3-D printers 3D Printing of Personalized Thick and Perfusable Cardiac Patches and Hearts - Noor - - Advanced Science - Wiley Online Library http
Tel Aviv University researchers have "printed" the world's first 3D vascularised engineered heart using a patient's own cells and biological materials https://t.co/3UaS15r5qh
RT @thidakarn: นักวิจัยจากอิสราเอลผลิตหัวใจเทียมจาก 3D printing สำเร็จเป็นครั้งแรก โดยใช้เซลล์จาก Omental tissue (ไขมันในช่องท้อง) ของคนไข้…
This is almost unbelievable ‼️‼️‼️ 3D Printing of Personalized Thick and Perfusable Cardiac Patches and Hearts - Advanced Science (open access article): https://t.co/RXWuEhVZFH https://t.co/ptLk2ISWnl
RT @FabBallarini: Acá el paper https://t.co/fusRB66GSQ
RT @thidakarn: นักวิจัยจากอิสราเอลผลิตหัวใจเทียมจาก 3D printing สำเร็จเป็นครั้งแรก โดยใช้เซลล์จาก Omental tissue (ไขมันในช่องท้อง) ของคนไข้…
RT @thidakarn: นักวิจัยจากอิสราเอลผลิตหัวใจเทียมจาก 3D printing สำเร็จเป็นครั้งแรก โดยใช้เซลล์จาก Omental tissue (ไขมันในช่องท้อง) ของคนไข้…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists print first 3D heart using patient's biological materials. Engineered heart completely matches the immunologi…
3D Printing of Personalized Thick and Perfusable Cardiac Patches and Hearts #openaccess https://t.co/OiYIdCZIgh via A Demonstration of Bioprinting Thick Tissue that Incorporates Small-Scale Vasculature https://t.co/gD9WGSLUKQ
@RafikSmati Je trouve surtout l'aspect vascularisation prodigieux comme avancée, l'article en Anglais https://t.co/tOEcRYHCfN
RT @thidakarn: นักวิจัยจากอิสราเอลผลิตหัวใจเทียมจาก 3D printing สำเร็จเป็นครั้งแรก โดยใช้เซลล์จาก Omental tissue (ไขมันในช่องท้อง) ของคนไข้…
Here's the actual paper from ADVANCED SCIENCE 3D Printing of Personalized Thick and Perfusable Cardiac Patches and Hearts - Noor - - Advanced Science - Wiley Online Library https://t.co/TLKz4RDhEu
Impressão de órgãos em 3D: O futuro dos transplantes | via @jornaldacbn
A íntegra do estudo que acabei de comentar ao vivo na @CBNoficial. Daqui a pouco disponível no podcast. 3D Printing of Personalized Thick and Perfusable Cardiac Patches and Hearts https://t.co/AQVvKApa8G
RT @CarnotMica: Pour la 1ère fois, des chercheurs ont imprimé en #3D un coeur 💟"dans son intégralité avec ses cellules et ses vaisseaux sa…
RT @FabBallarini: Acá el paper https://t.co/fusRB66GSQ
3D Printing of Personalized Thick and Perfusable Cardiac Patches and Hearts - Noor - - Advanced Science - Wiley Online Library https://t.co/Pw6iSqiRjh https://t.co/Qb7x7ELt1D
RT @OchsnerM3D: #3DPrinting of #Personalized Thick and Perfusable #Cardiac Patches and #Hearts - Noor - - Advanced Science - Wiley Online L…
This is so freaking cool, & amazing research! 3D printing of patient-derived organs! "cellularized human hearts with a natural architecture are printed. These results demonstrate the potential of the approach for engineering personalized tissues and or
#3DPrinting of #Personalized Thick and Perfusable #Cardiac Patches and #Hearts - Noor - - Advanced Science - Wiley Online Library. #bioprinting @AxoSim https://t.co/Nq5szpXBTl
3D Printing of Personalized Thick and Perfusable Cardiac Patches and Hearts - Advanced Science. Incredible... https://t.co/hhUqs2H6vh