¿Cómo revolucionarán los tatuajes eléctricos el arte corporal?
El tatuaje es más que una moda pasajera. Los registros señalan que la práctica comenzó en el neolítico y que ha sobrevivido…
El tatuaje es más que una moda pasajera. Los registros señalan que la práctica comenzó en el neolítico y que ha sobrevivido…
Chris Baraniuk Reporter teknologi bisnis BBC News 30 menit yang lalu Sumber gambar, Prudence Haze Ketika Kayla Newell…
When Kayla Newell goes shopping for tattoo ink, she brings a UV light with her.
When Kayla Newell goes shopping for tattoo ink, she brings a UV light with her.
By Chris Baraniuk Technology of Business reporter image copyrightPrudence Haze When Kayla Newell goes shopping for tattoo ink…
By Chris Baraniuk Technology of Business reporter image copyrightPrudence Haze When Kayla Newell goes shopping for tattoo ink…
When Kayla Newell goes shopping for tattoo ink, she brings a UV light with her.
When Kayla Newell goes shopping for tattoo ink, she brings a UV light with her.
Here, a researcher holds a glass slide with several of the 2.3-m-thicktransferrable OLED tattoos.
FUTURE TECH The Proof of Concept study shows that tattooable OLEDs can be easily
Innovative Tech: このコーナーでは、テクノロジーの最新研究を紹介するWebメディア「 Seamless 」を主宰する山下裕毅氏が執筆。新規性の高い科学論文を山下氏がピックアップし、解説する。 イタリアIstituto Italiano…
I sensori e i dispositivi indossabili - i wearable device - incorporati nell'abbigliamento o da tenere a contatto con la pelle…
Gli scienziati dell' UCL ( University College London ) e dell' IIT ( Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia ) hanno sviluppato una…
KEY POINTS Scientists have crafted a 76-nanometer electroluminescent polymer that lights up With a bit of water and direct…
Aunque aún no han salido al mercado, ya han traído las miradas por sus múltiples funciones Última actualización.03-03-2021 | 23:0…
Adding an illuminating new dimension to the art and design of body ink, scientists have created what they call the world's…
OLED tattoo. Barsotti - Italian Institute of Technology Scientists at University College London (UCL) and the IIT -Istituto…
Светящиеся татуировки – это не только красиво, но и полезно (как минимум, для спортсменов и продуктов в холодильнике) Согласно ис…
So much like a child’s transfer is it, that it is made on the same type of substrate and applied the same way: wet it, stick it…
Un team di scienziati dell'Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), in collaborazione con i colleghi dell' University College di…
It's more than just aesthetically appealing...light-emitting tattoos could help us as a society, indicating dehydration in…
Italialais-brittiläinen insinööriryhmä on kehittänyt prototyypin iholle väliaikaisesti kiinnittyvästä näyttölaitteesta, joka…
Scientists at UCL and the IIT -Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italian Institute of Technology) have created a temporary…
Scientists have created “smart ” that can be applied to people’s skin and glow.
Researchers from University College London (UCL) and the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italian Institute of TechnologyIIT…
Innovativer Hautaufkleber: OLED-Tattoo könnte schmücken und warnen Ein abwaschbares Tattoo aus Leuchtdioden könnte blinken…
Scientists in Europe have leveraged cutting-edge OLED technology to produce a first-of-a-kind tattoo that could be used to…
© Photo / Pixabay / aamiraimer Des scientifiques européens ont créé un tatouage lumineux basé sur la technologie OLED.
Publicado: 27 feb 2021 21:12 GMT La tecnología fue desarrollada por científicos del University College de Londres y el…
Ingenieros han sido capaces de crear los primeros tatuajes inteligentes brillantes, y estarían más enfocados a la atención médica…
Scientists have created a temporary tattoo with light-emitting technology used in TV and smartphone screens.
by An organic light-emitting diode (OLED) is an age-old technology that both TVs and smartphones use to offer individuals top-not…
Scientists create the world’s first light-up temporary TATTOO which is 30 times thinner than a human hair and glows bright…
Scientists at UCL and the IIT -Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italian Institute of Technology) have created a temporary…
OLED tattoo devices. Credit: Barsotti Italian Institute of Technology Scientists at UCL and the IIT -Istituto Italiano di…
The technology, which uses organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), is applied in the same way as water transfer tattoos.
Scientists at UCL and the IIT -Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italian Institute of Technology) have created a temporary…
Scientists at UCL and the IIT -Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italian Institute of Technology) have created a temporary…
( Nanowerk News ) Scientists at University College London and the IIT - Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italian Institute of…
Signing up for some (temporary) glowing knuckle tats. Glow Up For the first time, engineers figured out how to make glowing…
The world’s first light up temporary tattoo has been created by scientists in the UK.
Scientists at UCL and the IIT—Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italian Institute of Technology) have created a temporary tattoo…