Be fit & Eat well,
“Training low” คือเทรนแบบ low carb ซึ่งเป็นสิ่งที่นักวิ่งระยะไกลมักจะต้องทำกันบ้าง หรืออย่างน้อยก็เคยได้ยินมาบ้าง จุดประสงค์ก็ค…
“Training low” คือเทรนแบบ low carb ซึ่งเป็นสิ่งที่นักวิ่งระยะไกลมักจะต้องทำกันบ้าง หรืออย่างน้อยก็เคยได้ยินมาบ้าง จุดประสงค์ก็ค…
🥑Does the ketogenic diet impair endurance training adaptations? 🥜The ketogenic diet is a very low carb, high fat diet, that…
Throw back to CrossFitting in Chennai 🇮🇳 Low carbs for CrossFit® resulted in worse performance 🍝❌👎 * Low carbohydrate (CHO…
Carbohydrate metabolism brings about a greater yield of ATP (units of energy) than fat improving exercise efficiency, even…
Keto und Profimarathon? 🔋Ausdauerathleten, so die Idee, könnten unter weniger Carbs einen Vorteil erfahren, da Low-Carb hier…
#Keto #Ausdauer
🏃♂️Does the ketogenic diet improve endurance exercise performance? . 🔋Carbohydrates and fat are the main fuel during exercise.
I saw an ANAZING argument started by posting a recent study. Hope this causes the same debate... A VERY good new study…
Una dieta cetogénica baja en carbohidratos y rica en grasas perjudicó el rendimiento en atletas de élite de marcha atlética.
Low carbohydrate, high fat diet impairs exercise economy and negates the performance benefit from intensified training in elite…
Interessant om lavkarbokosthold for idrettsutøvere fra noen av verdens mest anerkjente og respekterte forskere innen idrettsernær…
A VERY good new study looking at low carb vs high carb diets in elite race walkers.I thought it was pretty interesting as even…
Low carb, high fat diets may negate the performance gains from intensified athletic training ( Here's…
Low carb, high fat diets may negate the performance gains from intensified athletic training ( Here's…
Low carb, high fat diets may negate the performance gains from intensified athletic training ( Here's…
即使是世界級的選手,飲食改變對運動表現也有非常大的影響。LUISE BURKE的實驗,實施三週不同的飲食後,10km競走比賽的結果進步輻度是: 高碳水飲食(+6.6%)>週期化飲食(+5.3%)>低碳飲食(-1.6%) 不管吃什麼還是吃得多吃得少,最終要…
Low carbohydrate, high fat diet impairs exercise economy and negates the performance benefit from intensified training in elite…
From a performance perspective we need to pay attention to the amount of carbohydrates we are consuming. A low carb diet has…
La dieta cetogénica NO mejora el rendimiento, ni siquiera en deportes de resistencia.…
Interesting study. Glad to see more research in the area.
Eat your Carbs 🥔 🍚 🍌 This study put athletes on a ketogenic, low carb diet or a higher carb diet and had them do three weeks…
Picos de insulina, ¿relación con la reducción de grasa?
Interessante Studie zum Thema "Low Carb", auch wir hören oft Sätze wie "laufe extra nüchtern" - was bringt es und kommt am Ende…
A Low Carb, High Fat Diet's Impact on Exercise Economy;jsessionid=16…
Las dietas cetogénicas (bajas en carbphidratos y altas en lípidos) pueden no ser lo mejor para el rendimiento atlético, de…
Three weeks of intensified training and mild energy deficit in elite race walkers increases peak aerobic capacity independent…
When assessing the potential benefits of a chronic LCHF diet for sports performance, it's so important to remember that for…
LCHF impairs exercise economy and negates the performance benefit from intensified training in elite race walkers…
Don't ditch the carbs! Some people believe in low carb diets. I personally never have, for me carbs are an important part of my…
#NutritionSportive #DieteCetogene #KetogenicDiet #LCHF 💪🍝"Le retour du glucide"🏆🌽 Diète cétogène ? LowCarb-HighFat ? Depuis…
Low Carbohydrate, High Fat diet impairs exercise economy and negates the performance benefit from intensified training in elite…
Some interesting read from LowMed dietician, Reon van Aardt...thanks for the share!
Peu de glucides pour l'endurance ? (Elite race walkers) < Traduction personnelle > "- La capacité oxydative chez les compétiteur…
Durante el ejercicio continuo con duración mayor a varios minutos, el músculo esquelético utiliza como sustratos energéticos a…
Total bunk. 3 weeks is NOT enough time to get fat adapted:
#Carbohydrates vs #Ketones for competitive #athletes? Read this article by Louise Burke
New #study by @LouiseMBurke: #LCHF diet impairs exercise economy and performance benefit on intense training. For the full paper…
NEW from TJP: Low Carb, High Fat diet impairs exercise economy from intensified training in elite race walkers…
While we're on the subject (this weekend at least) of ketogenic diets, if you do a lot of endurance training and are thinking…
Dieta baja en hidratos de carbono, y alta en grasa disminuye la economía de carrera en atletas de caminata de elite. Se…
Peu importe ce que certains bodybuilders, youtubeurs ou "experts" d'internet vous diront, les glucides restent un macro-nutriment…
Very good post here on carbohydrates. To often people Falsely believe that carbs are unhealthy and make you fat, when it just…
Over the past few days, I've had several discussions often starting with statements like this... 'I've IMPROVED my diet by…
Over the past few days, I've had several discussions often starting with statements like this... 'I've IMPROVED my diet by… Ein høgfett/lavkarbo diett er ikkje optimalt for kondisjonsidrett. …
Low Carb is for walkers not -- Low Carbohydrate, High Fat diet impairs exercise economy and negates the performance benefit…
Check this out!
Great article by Mysportscience on the recently published study by Burke et al. (2016) on low carbohydrate high fat diet and…
Oooops, at last some data! LCHF-diet impairs exercise economy and performance. Wonderful that they starting to study LCHF…
Performance and metabolic effects of a ketogenic LCHF diet on endurance athletes. New study from Louise Burke.…
Muudkui tuleb toitumisvärki :)
May have to rethink the benefits of a keto diet on performance and exercise.
Pretty surprised by this but it definitely means we need to rethink ketogenic diets as related to exercise…
#LCHFDiet Low Carbohydrate, High Fat diet #impairs #exercise #economy and #negates the #performance #benefit from intensified #tr…
This article has been all the rage over the past week as it represents the first set of data directly showing performance…
J Physiol. 2016 Dec 23. doi: 10.1113/JP273230. [Epub ahead of print]
En aquesta gràfica podeu observar l’evolució d’esportistes després de seguir diferents pautes dietètiques. Primer de tot, tenim…
Thinking about trying a low carbohydrate #ketodiet to improve race performance in 2017? You may want to think again.
Here's the link to the full article for anyone interested
#Ketodiet does not help elite #race-walkers. Louise #Burke research
Świeżutkie badanie, w którym porównano stosowanie diety wysokowęglowodanowej oraz niskowęglowodanowej (wysokotłuszczowej) u…
Ei ollut kestävyysurheiljoille (eliittitason kävelijöitä) hyötyä adaptaatiosta rasvaan korkearasvaisella ruokavaliolla, rasvan…
#LCHFDiet Low Carbohydrate, High Fat diet #impairs #exercise #economy and #negates the #performance #benefit from intensified #tr…
Retweeted John A. Hawley (@JohnAHawley): At last some data! LCHF-diet impairs exercise economy and performance in elite race…
I've said it before and I'll say it again, carbs are not the enemy! Quite the opposite, plus they're delicious 😊 aim for…
Considering going low carb in an attempt to improve athletic performance in 2017? Save your body and brain the misery and eat…
I've lost count the amount of times I've heard people say, my body runs better on higher fat and low carb... It doesn't.. but…
Still contemplating LCHF? More evidence to show it hinders performance...
At last some good research! Low Carbohydrate, High Fat diet impairs performance in a 10km run.
WYNIKI KETO-STUDY JUŻ SĄ! Mimo Świąt w nauce się dzieje ;). Chwilę temu opublikowano wyniki dużego, australijskiego projektu…
Happy Boxing Day, everyone! Here's a smattering of the nutrition
"Low Carbohydrate, High Fat diet impairs exercise economy and negates the performance benefit from intensified training in…
本來脂肪就不是拼命用的 .. 把燃料選錯了就是問題所在 . 該用脂肪就跑去吃碳水 該用碳水就去拼脂肪 這攪屁啊 . 🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹 LCHF was associated with markedly increased rates of whole…
Low Carbohydrate, High Fat diet impairs exercise economy and negates the performance benefit from intensified training in elite…
Retweeted John A. Hawley (@JohnAHawley): At last some data! LCHF-diet impairs exercise economy and performance in elite race…
We investigated the effects of adaptation to a ketogenic low‐carbohydrate (CHO), high‐fat diet (LCHF) during 3 wk of…
Un aporte de Louise Burke, una gran referente en nutrición deportiva: "Low Carbohydrate, High Fat diet impairs exercise…
This is Louise Burke's major study in race walkers that I and I know many others have been waiting to see the results from…